Societatea Romana de Pneumologie



Biblioteca audio: "Noutati in pneumologie"
Cele mai noi stiri, comentarii si date din domeniul pneumologiei internaţionale

Profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății din organizațiile membre ale Inițiativei 2035-Prima Generație Fără Tutun a României denunță o altă încercare de interferență a industriei tutunului în adoptarea politicilor de sănătate publică prin folosirea de organizații-paravan


Dear Professor Mihălţan,

Following up on our fruitful collaboration for the Pneumo Update Europe 2014, it would be our pleasure to continue working with you! As last year, we would like to offer your members free tickets to the 2nd Pneumo Update Europe taking place on June 19 & 20 in Budapest, Hungary!

The Pneumo Update Europe follows the successful tradition of Pneumo Update congresses happening in Germany for the past ten years. With practical, take-home information for your members to implement in their clinics - this congress is a must! Last year’s delegates said, “it was excellent!”

Why is the Pneumo Update Europe unique? The Update concept provides:

  • an unbiased program complete without industry influence
  • first class speakers who summarize the most important scientific papers of the past 12 months
  • time to network and get to know the ‚who’s who‘ in the field of pulmonology

Special Offer for the members of your society:

  • 8 free entry tickets (3 regular entry tickets and 5 entry tickets for pulmonologists participating with an ePoster) in the hope that you will promote the congress among your members.

Find out more about the congress

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Mirjam Lautenschlager-Weiss
Project Management